Theme: Friday, May 3, 2013

Message by PM Victor Ponta on the World Press Freedom Day

PM Victor Ponta conveys a message on the World Press Freedom Day, celebrated every year on May 3rd.
“The role of mass-media in today’s democratic society is a central one, if not a vital one. Therefore, on the celebration of the World Press Freedom Day, I want to assure journalists from everywhere that the Romanian Government backs firmly the guarantee of the speech freedom, given the democratic values that we support.
I want to express my respect and admiration for all journalists and media employees who not few times are facing major risks for them to better inform the public.
I also want to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to increasing the level of transparency in public administration. It is an important mission that we undertook, and as we have already started, the efforts for a greater openness will continue in the future too”, PM Victor Ponta has stated.