THE MESSAGE transmitted by the Bristish Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair to the Prime Minister of Romania, Mr. Adrian Năstase, concerning the closig of the SIDEX privatisation contract - 25th of July 2001

10, Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA

23 July 2001


Dear Prime Minister

I am delighted by the news that you are to sign the contract for the privatization of your biggest steel plant SIDEX, with the LNM Group. This represents an important step forward in the efforts you and your government are making to restructure and modernise your country's economy. I am particulary pleased that it is a British company which is your partner. This should send a very positive signal to investors and businessmen in Britain and more widely. Together with the other measures you are taking, I hope it will stimulate renewed interest by British business in Romania. And it will, I hope, set Romania even more firmly on the road to membership of the European Union, an objective of which the British Government remains a staunch supporter.

Yours sincerely,
Tony Blair


The Department for Institutional and Social Analisys
July 25, 2001